Red Imported Fire Ants Awareness

Red Fire Ants

Red Imported Fire Ants are invasive and destructive ants, native to South America. Small (2-6mm), with different sized ants in each nest. Dark reddish-brown with a darker brown-black Abdomen. They will sting people and animals repeatedly, causing a severe burning feeling and leading to allergic and anaphylactic reactions, infections, and rarely, fatalities.
They restrict use of backyards, parks, playgrounds, and beaches, damage electrical and agricultural equipment,
and sting pets and livestock.

Anyone bringing organic mulch, compost, growing media, manure, soil, hay, straw, chaff, silage, potted plants, turf, agricultural equipment, earth moving equipment, sand, gravel, chitters, coal fines, coal stone, overburden and decomposed granite into NSW from Queensland must comply with the current NSW Biosecurity (Fire Ant) Emergency Order.

April 2024

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